How Do You Deal With Being Ignored?

My personal reaction to being ignored varies between two extremes; go quiet or go loud.

When I go quiet I go basically silent to that person. I don’t communicate with them in any way whatsoever. The main problem that this reaction poses is that it affects my interaction with other people who are completely unrelated to the perpetrator. This leads to people becoming concerned as to why I have become quieter and more reserved than normal. I can’t speak for everyone else but when I go here my thoughts aren’t too positive, usually quite sad and melancholy. It tends to be that I write really soppy things when in this mood, and can be quite antisocial. I just want to be alone, even though being alone is probably the worst thing for me when I’m in this place.

Of the two reactions this is probably the best one. It is less violent, less destructive and considerably less burden on those around me. My introverted side becomes more pronounced and I just want to be alone, preferably in the dark, with just my lamp on and some form of mindless entertainment to occupy my main thoughts so my subconscious can process.

My other reaction is to get loud. I get lewd, crude and boisterous. Screaming out for attention and wanting to be noticed in effect, this is really not a great reaction either. When I am like this I tend to outwardly show massive energy and enthusiasm, usually my “crazy” side comes out. I jump, I bounce, I’m loud, I make dirty and inappropriate jokes, I act up basically. To my friends the party animal has arrived, but in my head I’m in an even darker place than when I’m quiet.

It is where SS comes out. If you don’t know what that stands for, probably a good thing. My thoughts go so far past being safe and sane they reach the bottom of the pit inside me. I write some of my darkest (and best I feel) work when I am in this place. Profanity is a regular occurrence, and trigger warnings are usually appropriate if I ever post those pieces online. This is where I am usually quicker to anger than normal. My patience becomes very thin and I have little tolerance for idiots, time wasters and show off attention seekers (how ironic).

Well that was maybe good for me to post, but probably not. Gives you a little more insight into me perhaps. Maybe just tells you more than you want to know. Either way let me know how you feel about being ignored. How do you react?


4 thoughts on “How Do You Deal With Being Ignored?

  1. Hi MMS, I think the first for me (quiet), I also cannot stand people being rude like if you hold the door open and they say nothing (this makes me say sarky comments so they hear me) it makes me feel that next time I will just let the door swing in their face (I wouldn’t, but it makes you feel like it!!!) No excuse for it manners cost nothing….ooh you are getting me started on one now 😉 have good weekend….shellx

    • Hey Shell! Thanks for your input here. Sarky comments normally come with when I get loud instead. Manners do cost nothing. I’m a gentleman and holding open doors seems to surprise some of the people I know. Have a good weekend yourself dear 🙂

  2. I think it depends who it is that is ignoring you. If its someone close…then it’s a defense mechanism playing mind games. But not always. Like Sir and I …we are not texting or calling every 5 minutes. But we both work stay tuned here when available and he is always available, we talk at night. But that’s our system. We’ve mature more than most. It’s why I blog, its how we communicate. So if you are not communicating, then you might want to call them. But Every time I see one of his post, as busy as he is, I know I’d better comment, post or reply PDQ. It’s a courtesy, to acknowledge, it is kind and decent and a huge sign of respect. And certainly he has earned it.

    • I am not very good at playing mind games normally unless in a certain mindframe, then I like to twist people into mental knots where either way they are in trouble. That is fun though.
      You treat your Dom very well and he is lucky to have you. You seem to be very respectful in your actions which I am certain he approves of.
      Thank you for your comment 🙂

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