3 thoughts on “Audio Blog 3

  1. Wanted to comment on this last night when I read it, but the kiddies came jumping in my bed with the thunder and rain.

    Well, as always, it’s lovely to hear your voice. Great idea! if you can’t seem to get the words out in print, talk it out. I’m glad you were able to do that. I would have had a difficult time verbalizing anything.

    So your Muse is off on vacation…road trip…summer holiday? I’ve heard even the greatest writers say that these things happen. I must share with you that I’ve kind of been going through the same this week. I have not written since Tuesday afternoon, and I think I have started about three different drafts which are still sitting there as just that…drafts. The ideas don’t seem to go anywhere. I just had to let it go.

    I certainly understand your frustration being in having the desire to write, but not being able to produce anything. At least that’s how I’ve been feeling. Like I said, I just had to let it go, and satisfy myself writing comments on other people’s blogs. It’s not the same thing, but it scratches the itch a little…until She returns.

    Sometimes a change of scenery helps. Taking a walk somewhere you don’t usually frequent…a park…a river. You never know where you’ll find Her again 🙂

    • I’ve been doing the same, commenting in the hope it will be enough, but it just doesn’t feel the same. I’m sorry you are feeling a similar way, it is not fun.

      I’m so tired after work at the moment l, but I shall try a walk somewhere tomorrow on my day off if I can.
      Best of luck with your writing and hope you and the family are well x

      • Everyone is well, thank you. Good luck to you also. With the hours you are keeping, I can understand why you would be tired after work. Exhaustion is no good for creativity either. I hope you enjoy your walk on Monday (it’s still Saturday across the pond).

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