Bad Influence Numbers- Weekend Back at Uni 2

So during the 4 nights I stayed at my old uni guess how many takeouts we had. 5. Yes, 5 take out meals in 4 days. I would say I am ashamed, but really, I am not even remotely.

Guess how many nights I drank? That’s right I drank 4. Guess how many days I drank? 1 only, clearly I am losing my touch.

Ladies made to blush? Only two. I was being very well behaved so that is good. Didn’t even flinch when one was so close I could feel how warm her lips were.

People influenced. 4. One got drunk for the first time in 6 months and it only happened because I came down and I always destroy him. That and I busted out shots at a bar and he can’t say no to me. One got drunk for the first time ever with me. I was so happy to take his drunk Virginity. One girl dislikes me because her boyfriend always has a different brand of fun with me compared to the boring monotony that she brings to the table. Makes me happy I pissed her off because you may be pretty, but you are as interesting as watching paint dry. One is the incident spoken in the PPP.

Broken items. 1. Friend dropped a glass in the bar and covered my leg in toffee cider and smashed his pint glass. I was more upset about the alcohol than my trousers.

Good, clean yet messy fun. Perfect.


11 thoughts on “Bad Influence Numbers- Weekend Back at Uni 2

  1. “I pissed her off because you may be pretty, but you are as interesting as watching paint dry. ” lol. Nice to see that you are corrupting your male friends as well as the females. I haven’t been doing much corrupting lately.

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